Diane's Flower Seeds
Calendula 'Gem Mix'

Calendula 'Gem Mix' (Calendula officinalis, Pot Marigold)

150 seeds  $3.25

Calendula 'Gem Mix' is a dwarf variety with semi-double to double flowers in shades of orange and yellow. 

Calendula 'Gem Mix' is a wonderful little flower for the front of the border or along the edge of a path. It's perfect for pots or any small space. This is a fun variety for a child's garden. 

height 10"  spacing 8"

Sowing Calendula 'Gem Mix' Seeds

Sow calendula seeds outdoors in early spring to summer, 1/4" deep. Or start indoors 4-6 weeks early. Thin to 8" apart. Full sun.

Calendula Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

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