Diane's Flower Seeds
California Poppy Mix

California Poppy Mix (Eschscholzia californica)

900 seeds  $3.25             

California Poppy mix is a cheerful addition to the summer garden. The colorful flowers bloom in orange, yellow, gold, pink, red and white. They open with the sun and close when it's dark or cloudy.

California poppy is at home in the wildflower garden as well as the border. It makes a good  companion plant for roses .

Eschscholzia californica is native to the western United States. The colorful flowers attract  beneficial insects . It is  drought-tolerant , and it prefers well-drained soil in full sun. Self sows. Deer resistant.

height 18"

Sowing California Poppy Seeds

Sow California poppy seeds outdoors in spring or fall. Sow on the surface or barely cover the seeds with soil. Full sun. Easy to grow. 

California Poppy Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

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