Diane's Flower Seeds
clarkia elegans

Clarkia elegans Mix (Mountain Garland)

2500 seeds  $3.00         

Clarkia elegans is a native wildflower from California. The fluffy flowers appear in early summer on tall stems. This mix blooms in a wide range of colors, including pink, rose, salmon, white and purple.

Clarkia elegans brings quick color to annual beds and borders. The long-stemmed flowers are good for  cutting .

Clarkia elegans is very easy to grow from seed. It prefers full sun, but it can tolerate part shade and a wide range of soil conditions. Also known as Clarkia unguiculata, Garland Flower, and Farewell to Spring.  Deer resistant .

height 24"

Sowing Clarkia elegans Seeds

Sow clarkia seeds outdoors in early spring. Sow on the surface. Full sun. 

Also see  Clarkia amoena Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

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