Diane's Flower Seeds
coreopsis tinctoria dwarf red

Coreopsis tinctoria 'Dwarf Red' (Plains Coreopsis)

1,000 seeds $3.00      

Coreopsis 'Dwarf Red' is a special strain of  Coreopsis tinctoria  with mahogany-red flowers. It looks nice at the front of the border or spreading around and filling in the gaps between larger perennials and shrubs. 

Coreopsis tinctoria 'Dwarf Red' looks good in warm color schemes. Try it with yellow or gold flowers like  Rudbeckia hirta  or  Ratibida columnifera .

Coreopsis tinctoria is a North American wildflower.  Butterflies  enjoy the flowers, and it self sows nicely. Common names include Plains Coreopsis, Tickseed and Calliopsis. Deer resistant.

height 16"  spacing 12"

Sowing Coreopsis tinctoria 'Dwarf Red' Seeds

Sow coreopsis seeds outdoors after the last frost date. Or start indoors 6 weeks early. Barely cover the seeds with soil. Full sun. 

Coreopsis Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

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