Diane's Flower Seeds
Dill 'Mammoth'

Dill 'Mammoth' (Anethum graveolens)

600 seeds  $3.00

Dill 'Mammoth' is a tall, vigorous herb with plenty of foliage and seeds. The seeds are used in pickles and breads, and the foliage is used to add flavor to soups, salads, vegetables and potatoes.

Dill contains anti-microbial and anti-cancer compounds. It is also good for indigestion and insomnia. Click here for more  information  and recipes

In organic gardens, dill can be grown as a trap crop for aphids. The flowers attract  beneficial insects , and the leaves provide food for the larvae of the black swallowtail  butterfly

Also known as Dill 'Mammoth Long Island'. Days to maturity: 40-60. 

height 36"

Sowing Dill 'Mammoth' Seeds

Sow seeds outdoors after the last frost date. Barely cover with soil. Full sun. Well-drained soil.

Herb Seeds

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