Diane's Flower Seeds
Glaucium 'Burnt Orange'

Glaucium 'Burnt Orange' (Horned Poppy)

100 seeds  $4.00    

Glaucium corniculatum 'Burnt Orange' has vibrant orange flowers from early to midsummer. The blue-gray leaves remain attractive throughout the season. This is a rare and wonderful plant.

Glaucium 'Burnt Orange' can be grown as an annual or a biennial, depending on when it is sown. It performs as a biennial in my garden. 

Also known as Yellow Horned Poppy and Glaucium flavum var. aurantiacum. Easy to grow. Hardy in zones 6-9. I grow it in zone 5.

height 15"  spacing 12"

Sowing Glaucium 'Burnt Orange' Seeds

Sow glaucium seeds outdoors in spring or late summer. Barely cover the seeds with soil. Full sun. Thin to 12" apart.

Perennial Flower Seeds

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