Diane's Flower Seeds
liatris pycnostachya

Liatris pycnostachya  (Prairie Blazing Star)

130 seeds $3.50

Liatris pycnostachya has very tall, dense spikes of purple flowers that attract  hummingbirds  and  butterflies  in late summer. It looks like an exclamation point in the middle of the perennial border or wildflower garden.

Liatris pycnostachya is a  drought-tolerant , native perennial. It's popular for prairie gardens and restoration projects. It makes a terrific  cut flower .

Also known as Prairie Blazing Star and Kansas Gayfeather. Deer resistant. Hardy in zones 3-9.  

height 42"

Sowing Liatris pycnostachya Seeds

Start liatris seeds indoors in winter. Barely cover the seeds with soil, then  refrigerate  for 8 weeks. Full sun to part shade. Spacing 15".

Liatris Seeds

Perennial Flower Seeds

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