Diane's Flower Seeds
Lupinus perennis

Lupinus perennis (Wild Perennial Lupine)

50 seeds $3.00    

Lupinus perennis blooms in late spring to early summer with tall spikes of indigo-blue flowers. 

Wild Perennial Lupine is slow to get started, and the plants resent disturbance. But once it's established, it self-sows freely, making it a valuable addition to the wildflower garden.

Lupinus perennis is a host plant for Eastern Tailed-Blue, Frosted Elfin, and the endangered Karner Blue  butterflies . Deer resistant. Hardy in zones 3-8.

height 30"  spacing 15"

Sowing Lupinus perennis Seeds

Scarify  lupine seeds with sandpaper, then soak overnight. Sow outdoors after the last frost date. Or start indoors 6-8 weeks early. Full sun to part shade. 

Lupine Seeds

Perennial Flower Seeds

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