Diane's Flower Seeds
marigold naughty marietta

Marigold 'Naughty Marietta' (Tagetes patula)

300 seeds $3.00

I'm just crazy about Marigold 'Naughty Marietta'. It blooms quickly from seed with charming flowers of bright golden-yellow with maroon blotches.

French Marigold 'Naughty Marietta' is perfect for  containers  or the edge of the border. The single flowers attract  butterflies  and  beneficial insects , making it a good choice for companion planting in the vegetable garden.

I sowed Marigold 'Naughty Marietta' in late July after pulling up some early-blooming annuals that were finished. By September, I had fresh marigold flowers in the garden! 

Tagetes patula 'Naughty Marietta' is an heirloom flower. It was an All America Selections winner in 1947. It was named after the 1935 movie Naughty Marietta. 

French marigolds are heat and  drought tolerant . The flower petals are edible. Deer resistant. 

height 12"  spacing 8"

Sowing Marigold 'Naughty Marietta' Seeds

Sow marigold seeds outdoors after the last frost. Or start indoors 4-6 weeks early. Lightly cover the seeds with soil. Full sun. 

Marigold Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

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