Diane's Flower Seeds
mirabilis salmon sunset

Mirabilis jalapa 'Salmon Sunset'  (Four O'Clock, Marvel of Peru)

25 seeds $3.25        

Mirabilis jalapa 'Salmon Sunset' has salmon-orange flowers with a touch of pink. It reminds me of a tropical sunset. It's also a good  hummingbird flower

Four O'Clock 'Salmon Sunset' is fabulous in warm color schemes. It mixes well with red, gold and white flowers. Add a bit of blue to cool it down.

Mirabilis jalapa is hardy in zones 7b-11. It is grown as a  self-sowing annual  in cooler regions. Deer resistant.

height 24"  spacing 12"

Sowing Mirabilis jalapa 'Salmon Sunset' Seeds

Soak  Mirabilis jalapa seeds for 24 hours, then sow outdoors after the last frost date. Cover the seeds lightly with soil. Full sun. 

Mirabilis jalapa Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

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