Diane's Flower Seeds
Nasturtium 'Ladybird'

Nasturtium 'Ladybird' (Tropaeolum majus)

25 seeds $3.00 

Nasturtium 'Ladybird' is a colorful variety with golden-yellow flowers that have maroon-red blotches.

Ladybird nasturtium is an individual selection from Tom Thumb mix. This compact variety performs well in pots or at the edge of the garden. Also known as Nasturtium 'Tom Thumb Ladybird'.

height 12" spacing 10"

Sowing Nasturtium 'Ladybird' Seeds

Sow nasturtium seeds outdoors two weeks before the last frost date. Sow 1" deep and 10" apart. Full sun. Afternoon shade in hot climates. 

Nasturtium Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

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