Diane's Flower Seeds
nigella miss jekyll mix

Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll Mix' (Love-in-a-Mist)

500 seeds  $3.25         

Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll Mix' blooms in shades of pink, blue and white. The intriguing flowers appear in June to July from an early spring sowing. It makes a nice  bulb cover .

Nigella 'Miss Jekyll Mix' is a good filler in the garden. It's also wonderful for  cutting . The long-lasting blooms gradually deepen in color before the petals finally drop off cleanly. They are followed by intriguing, decorative seed pods.

Nigella damascena is an  heirloom flower  that has been grown in gardens since the 1600's. Also known as Love-in-a-Mist. Easy to grow. Self-sows in abundance.  Deer resistant .

height 18"  spacing 6"

Sowing Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll Mix' Seeds

Sow nigella seeds outdoors in early spring or fall. Sow on the surface or barely cover with soil. Thin to 6" apart. To prolong the bloom season, make successive sowings every 4 weeks. Full sun. 

Nigella Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

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