Diane's Flower Seeds
Poppy 'Lauren's Grape'

Poppy 'Lauren's Grape'  (Papaver somniferum)

650 seeds $3.25 

Poppy 'Lauren's Grape' blooms in a delicious shade of plum purple with dark purple blotches. It makes a wonderful addition to the  cottage garden

I wish there were more flowers in the world with the vivid coloring of Poppy 'Lauren's Grape'. It's one of those "I can't stop staring at it" flowers.

Papaver somniferum 'Lauren's Grape' was selected and developed by Colorado garden writer Lauren Springer. Also known as Breadseed Poppy and Lettuce Leaf Poppy. Easy to grow. It  reseeds  where it's happy. Deer resistant.

height 30"           

Sowing Poppy 'Lauren's Grape' Seeds

Sow poppy seeds outdoors in early spring, or fall in mild winter areas. Sow on the surface. Full sun.  

Poppy (Papaver) Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

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