Salvia 'Blue Queen' (Meadow Sage)
40 seeds $3.50
Salvia 'Blue Queen' is a compact selection with deep violet-blue flowers in June and July. It repeat blooms in late summer if deadheaded. It is drought tolerant and deer resistant.
Salvia 'Blue Queen' blooms the first year from seed if started early indoors. Also known as Woodland Sage, Salvia nemerosa, Salvia x superba, Salvia x sylvestris, and Salvia nemerosa 'Blaukonigen'. Hardy perennial in zones 4-8.
height 15" spacing 15"
Sowing Salvia 'Blue Queen' Seeds
Start salvia seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Or sow outdoors after the last frost. Barely cover the seeds with soil. Full sun.