Diane's Flower Seeds
Shasta Daisy 'Crazy Daisy'

Shasta Daisy 'Crazy Daisy' (Leucanthemum x superbum)

50 seeds  $3.50

Shasta Daisy 'Crazy Daisy' has 3" double flowers with yellow centers. The white petals are twisted, giving it a unique, frilly look. It blooms from June to August, attracting  butterflies . It also makes a wonderful  cut flower .

Leucanthemum x superbum 'Crazy Daisy' is a variable strain. Each plant has slightly different-looking flowers. Click here for another picture of  Crazy Daisy

Leucanthemum 'Crazy Daisy' is good for the middle of the border. The tall, bushy plants go well with many other summer-blooming perennials. I planted it with  Salvia transylvanica Penstemon barbatus 'Coccineus'  and  Ruta graveolens .

Shasta Daisy 'Crazy Daisy' is a  first-year flowering perennial . It's easy to grow, and it tolerates  drought  and poor soil. Give it good drainage. 

Also known as Chrysanthemum maximum 'Crazy Daisy' and Leucanthemum x superbum 'Snowdrift'.  Deer resistant . Hardy in zones 4-9.

height 26"  spacing 18"

Sowing Shasta Daisy 'Crazy Daisy' Seeds

Start shasta daisy seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Or sow outdoors after the last frost. Barely cover the seeds with soil. Full sun to part shade. 

Shasta Daisy Seeds

Perennial Flower Seeds

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