Diane's Flower Seeds
silene pendula triumph rose

Silene pendula 'Triumph Rose' (Nodding Catchfly)

300 seeds $3.25     

Silene pendula 'Triumph Rose' is a lovely annual with carmine-rose flowers in profusion. The bright blossoms attract  butterflies  and  hummingbirds .

Silene 'Triumph Rose' makes a great  container  plant, cascading over the edges of hanging baskets or spreading around taller plants in large containers. It's also nice on rock walls or at the edge of a path.

Siline pendula is easy to grow and quick to bloom from seed. Also known as Nodding Catchfly. Native to the Mediterranean. Self sows.

height 8"  spacing 6"

Sowing Silene pendula 'Triumph Rose' Seeds

Sow silene seeds outdoors in spring. Or sow indoors 6 weeks early. Sow on the surface. Thin to 4 plants per cell. Full sun to part shade. 

Annual Flower Seeds

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