Diane's Flower Seeds
Basil 'Red Rubin'

Basil 'Red Rubin' (Ocimum basilicum purpurascens)

180 seeds  $3.00

Basil 'Red Rubin' has beautiful, reddish-purple leaves with a deliciously strong and spicy flavor. 

Red Rubin basil is an All-America Selections award winner. It's both a tasty herb and an attractive ornamental for flower gardens and containers. To dry basil, hang it upside down in bunches.

height 20"?

Sowing Basil 'Red Rubin' Seeds

Start basil seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last frost date, 1/8" deep. Transplant outdoors 2 weeks after the last frost date. Full sun. Spacing 10".

Basil Seeds

Herb Seeds

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