Diane's Flower Seeds
Lettuce 'Forellenschluss'

Lettuce 'Forellenschluss' (Romaine, 55 days)

400 seeds  $3.00            

Forellenschluss is one of the most beautiful and tastiest heirloom lettuces we have ever tried. The bright green leaves are splashed with maroon. The name means "speckled like a trout." Also known as Flashy Trout Back.

Lettuce 'Forellenschluss' is especially cold tolerant. It does well in the cool weather of early spring. It also holds up in the heat. This variety won an award for best flavor in the Seed Savers Exchange trials. 

Austrian heirloom.

height 10"

Sowing Lettuce 'Forellenschluss' Seeds

Sow lettuce seeds outdoors in early spring. Sow on the surface in very shallow furrows, or cover lightly with soil. Thin to 8" apart. Full sun to part shade.

Lettuce Seeds

Vegetable Seeds

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