Diane's Flower Seeds
Lettuce 'Lolla Rossa'

Lettuce 'Lolla Rossa Darkness' (Looseleaf, 60 days)

400 seeds  $3.00    

Lolla Rossa has frilly leaves that are green at the center, shading to dark red at the edges. This strain has more redness than most. Almost too pretty to eat! It's perfect for small salads and garnishes. Mild flavor. Slow to bolt. 6" tall.

Italian heirloom.?

Sowing Lettuce 'Lolla Rossa Darkness' Seeds

Sow lettuce seeds outdoors in early spring. Sow on the surface in very shallow furrows, or cover lightly with soil. Thin to 8" apart. Full sun to part shade. 

Lettuce Seeds

Vegetable Seeds

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