Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll Blue' (Love-in-a-Mist)
880 seeds $3.25
Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll Blue' is a self-sowing annual that blooms in June with intriguing, sky-blue flowers. In Color in the Garden , Nori and Sandra Pope say, "Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll' is our most valued blue self-seeder." It makes a terrific filler in the garden, and it reseeds prolifically.
Nigella 'Miss Jekyll Blue' is a wonderful companion plant for Asiatic lilies and roses . The pure blue color goes with everything. The ornamental seed pods can be used in dried flower arrangements, and the fragrant, black seeds are edible. I think they smell like spicy grapes.
Nigella damascena is an heirloom flower . Also known as Love-in-a-Mist.
height 18" spacing 6"
Sowing Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll Blue' Seeds
Sow nigella seeds outdoors in early spring or fall. Sow on the surface or barely cover with soil. Thin to 6" apart. To prolong the bloom season, make successive sowings every 4 weeks. Full sun.