Diane's Flower Seeds
Pepper 'Cayenne Long Red Slim'

Pepper 'Cayenne Long Red Slim'

(80 days)

55 seeds  $3.00            

Long Red Slim Cayenne pepper is very hot at 40,000 Scoville Heat Units. The thin-walled peppers dry quickly. Also good for pickling and canning. The slightly curled fruits are 5-6" long and 1/2" thick. Productive and flavorful. 

Cayenne pepper is well-known for its medicinal use as a pain reliever in a wide range of conditions. It also helps to improve circulation and regulate blood pressure. It even helps to alleviate depression. Click here for more  information

Open-pollinated. ?

Sowing Cayenne Pepper Seeds

Start pepper seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Sow 1/4" deep. Transplant outside 2 weeks after the last frost date. Full sun. Spacing 15".

Pepper Seeds

Vegetable Seeds

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