Zinnia 'Lilliput Mix' (Zinnia elegans)
100 seeds $3.25
Zinnia 'Lilliput Mix' is the delight of the late summer garden. The dwarf plants bloom earlier and more profusely than large-flowered zinnias, and they continue until frost. They make terrific cut flowers .
Zinnia 'Lilliput Mix' has small, pom-pom flowers in a wide range of colors. The colorful flowers attract hummingbirds , butterflies and beneficial insects .
Zinnias are heat and drought tolerant and deer resistant.
height 24" spacing 12"
Sowing Zinnia 'Lilliput Mix' Seeds
Sow zinnia seeds outdoors after the last frost date, 1/8" deep. Or start indoors 4-5 weeks early. Full sun.