Diane's Flower Seeds
Shipping Rates

$6.95 for U.S. orders. First class USPS, includes tracking.  

Sadly, because of recurring problems with the postal service, we can no longer ship to countries outside the United States. 

Placing Orders

We use a PayPal shopping cart because it's safe and secure. You don't need a PayPal account to use it - just a credit card. 

If you prefer, you may order by mail with a personal check. Just email your list of seeds with the prices and total (including shipping), and I will give you an address to send the check to. Or you may send money through Zelle to dianelinsley@protonmail.com

Another option is to order from my daughter's site. She has most of the same seeds, but she uses a different shopping cart. Megan's Heirloom Seeds
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