Diane's Flower Seeds

Viola Seeds

Most violas are short-lived perennials with small flowers in a wide range of colors. They thrive in full sun to part shade. 

Sowing Viola Seeds

Start viola seeds  indoors  8 weeks before the last frost date. Barely cover the seeds with soil. Spacing 4". Hardy in zones 5-9.

Viola tricolor Helen Mount

Viola tricolor 'Helen Mount' (Johnny Jump-Up)

380 seeds   $3.25    

Viola tricolor 'Helen Mount'  has small flowers that bloom from spring to fall in shades of purple, lavender and yellow. It makes a nice  groundcover , spreading and self-sowing around larger plants in the garden. It attracts  butterflies .

Common names include Wild Pansy, Johnny Jump-Up, and Heartsease. Also known as Viola cornuta 'Helen Mount'. Hardy in zones 4-9.

height 6"

Viola 'Chantreyland'

Viola cornuta 'Chantreyland' (Violet)

65 seeds   $3.25      

Viola 'Chantreyland'  is a lovely selection with soft apricot-orange flowers. The flowers are relatively large for a viola. 

Violas are more free-flowering than panises, which makes up for the blooms being smaller. They are perfect for  containers  where the small blooms can be admired at close range. Hardy in zones 5-9. 

height 8"

Viola 'Admiration'

Viola cornuta 'Admiration' (Violet)

65 seeds   $3.25

Admiration  is my favorite large-flowered viola. The flowers are larger than Bowles Black, but smaller than pansies.  

I like to use Viola 'Admiration' as a filler in large pots or small garden areas. It looks great with everything, and it self sows nicely in my zone 5b garden. Hardy in zones 5-9. 

height 8" 

Viola 'Bowles Black'

Viola cornuta 'Bowles Black' (Violet)

65 seeds   $3.25    

Viola 'Bowles Black'  is a small plant with masses of purple-black flowers. Place it near the edge of a path or in containers where you can enjoy the adorable little flowers up close. 

Viola 'Bowles Black'  self-sows  nicely in the garden, filling in the cracks between larger plants. It's also suitable for the rock garden. Hardy in zones 5-9. 

height 6"

Viola 'Arkwright Ruby'

Viola cornuta 'Arkwright Ruby' (Violet)

65 seeds   $3.25     

Arkwright Ruby  is a large-flowered viola with dark wine-red flowers. It looks especially good in warm color schemes.

One of my favorite things about Viola cornuta is that the mild-flavored, edible flowers can be used to decorate salads and cakes. They don't have the bitterness of pansies (Viola x wittrockiana). Hardy in zones 5-9. 

height 8" 

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