Broccoli Seeds
Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable with a multitude of health benefits . The most delicious broccoli is home-grown. Autumn frost sweetens the flavor.
Sowing Broccoli Seeds
Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Or sow outdoors 2 weeks before the last frost. Sow 1/4" deep. Spacing 16". Full sun. Brassica oleracea.
Broccoli 'De Cicco' (80 days)
425 seeds $3.00
Broccoli 'De Cicco' produces 4", bluish-green heads that are delicious fresh or frozen. After the main head is cut, small side shoots will appear to produce more broccoli later in the season.
Italian heirloom. Introduced to the U.S. in 1890.
Broccoli 'Early Purple Sprouting' (120 days)
200 seeds $3.00
Early Purple Sprouting broccoli produces a cluster of small crowns in a dark reddish purple color. It turns green when cooked. My daughter's description on her website is very detailed and informative with special growing tips.
Heirloom from the United Kingdom, 1793.
Broccoli 'Green Sprouting Calabrese' (90 days)
375 seeds $3.00
Picture coming soon...
Broccoli 'Green Sprouting Calabrese' is earlier than purple sprouting, and it doesn't require overwintering to produce heads. The 4" main heads mature before the side shoots, extending the harvest.
Heirloom from Calabria, Italy in the 1800's.
Broccoli 'Waltham 29' (90 days)
300 seeds $3.00
Broccoli 'Waltham 29' has dark green crowns that grow 4-6" wide. It also has side shoots. We grew it as a fall crop, and it was super sweet and delicious. Developed in Waltham, Massachusetts at the Agricultural Experiment Station.
American heirloom. Introduced in 1951.