Diane's Flower Seeds

Spinach Seeds

Spinach is a cool weather crop. The tender leaves are most nutritious when eaten raw in salads, soups and smoothies. Click here for  recipes .

Sowing Spinach Seeds

Sow spinach seeds outdoors in early spring (March 15 in zone 5). Sow 1/2" deep and 2" apart. Thin to 4-6" apart. Space rows 16" apart. Full sun. 

Spinach 'Bloomsdale Long Standing'

Spinach 'Bloomsdale Long Standing' (45 days)

530 seeds  $3.00

Bloomsdale Long Standing spinach has dark green, crinkled leaves that are deliciously tender. It is slow to bolt and tolerant of both heat and cold. It's a very popular variety.

American heirloom, 1826.
Spinach 'Giant Noble'

Spinach 'Giant Noble' (50 days)

250 seeds  $3.00            

Giant Noble spinach has large, deep green leaves. It was the last spinach to bolt in our garden, and it was delicious both fresh and frozen. 

Spinach 'Giant Noble' is an heirloom from the Netherlands. It was developed in 1926 by Zwaan and Van der Molen. All-America Selections winner in 1933.
Spinach 'Viroflay'

Spinach 'Viroflay' (50 days)

250 seeds  $3.00            

Viroflay spinach  has very large, deep green leaves. It bolts before the other varieties, but it compensates by producing extra-large leaves. This makes it a great choice for freezing or selling at market. Thin well for larger plants.

French heirloom, pre-1860's. Also known as Monstrue de Viroflay.

Vegetable Seeds

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