Diane's Flower Seeds

Winter Squash Seeds

Winter squash is a beloved crop that can be enjoyed all winter long in soups, pies, puddings, and other heartwarming dishes. It has many health benefits.

Sowing Winter Squash Seeds

Sow squash seeds outdoors after the last frost date, 1" deep. Sow in hills spaced 4-6' apart. Thin to 2 plants per hill. Full sun.

Squash 'Blue Hubbard'

Squash 'Blue Hubbard' (110 days) Cucurbita maxima

20 seeds $3.00         

Blue Hubbard  is a large winter squash with a bumpy, slate blue skin that is very hard, making it perfect for long storage. The orange flesh has a fine texture. Weighs up to 30 pounds. After baking, freeze squash in containers for later use.

West Indies heirloom.

Squash 'Delicata'

Squash 'Delicata' (100 days) Cucurbita pepo

20 seeds $3.00             

Delicata  is a super-sweet winter squash that is eaten early in the winter because it doesn't store for long. The fruits weigh 1-3 pounds. They have cream colored skin with green stripes. One squash makes a perfect meal for two people.

American heirloom, 1894.

Squash 'Galeux d'Eysines'

Squash 'Galeux d'Eysines' (100 days) Cucurbita maxima

20 seeds $3.50           

Squash 'Galeux d'Eysines'  is a beautiful heirloom pumpkin that has pink-tinted skin covered with artistic "warts." It weighs about 10-20 pounds, and it's perfect for both decorating and eating. The flesh has a good, smooth texture.

French heirloom, 1883.

Squash 'Guatemalan Blue'

Squash 'Guatemalan Blue' (95 days) Cucurbita maxima

20 seeds $3.50     

Guatemalan Blue  is a lovely, banana-type squash. The dusty-blue fruits have gray stripes and weigh 3 to 5 pounds. The golden-yellow flesh has a smooth texture. The vines are moderately sized, producing 2-3 squash per vine. 

Guatemalan heirloom.

Pumpkin 'Howden's Field'

Pumpkin 'Howden's Field' (110 days) Cucurbita pepo

20 seeds $3.00     

Howden's Field  is the standard Jack-o'-lantern pumpkin with beautifully ribbed, deep orange skin. It's also good for pies and soups. The large fruits weigh up to 25 pounds. Each long vine produces 1-2 pumpkins. Good storage quality.

Open-pollinated. Developed by John Howden of Massachusetts in the 1970's.

Pumpkin 'Sugar Pie'

Pumpkin 'Sugar Pie' (100 days) Cucurbita pepo

20 seeds $3.00 

Sugar Pie pumpkin  is a good choice for shorter growing seasons. Each vine produces 4 to 5 fruits that weigh 4 to 5 pounds. The sweet, yellow-orange flesh has a fine texture. Also known as New England Sugar Pie. Good for storage.

American heirloom, 1863.

Squash 'Rouge Vif d'Etampes'

Squash 'Rouge Vif d'Etampes' (95 days) Cucurbita maxima

20 seeds $3.50

Rouge Vif d'Etampes  is a reddish-orange pumpkin with a flattened shape. This gorgeous squash weighs about 20 pounds. It is valued for making French-style soups. Rouge vif means "vivid red." Also known as the Cinderella pumpkin. 

French heirloom, 1883.

Squash 'Jarrahdale Pumplin'

Squash 'Jarrahdale Pumpkin' (100 days) Cucurbita maxima

20 seeds $3.00       

Jarrahdale  is a medium-size pumpkin with slate-gray skin and sweet, dense, orange flesh. The deeply ridged fruits weigh 6-10 pounds. They make beautiful decorations and delicious eating. Very long storage quality. 

Open-pollinated, New Zealand. Bred from Blue Hubbard and Cinderella.

Squash 'Waltham Butternut'

Squash 'Waltham Butternut' (110 days) Cucurbita moschata

30 seeds $3.00

Waltham Butternut squash  produces 12" long fruits that weigh up to 5 pounds and have a thick neck. They are easy to cut up and prepare for recipes. The hard vines are resistant to squash vine borer. The yellow-orange flesh has a delicious, nutty flavor. Excellent long keeper for storage. This American heirloom appeared in the 1940's. It was an All-America Selections winner in 1970.

Tahitian Butternut Squash

Squash 'Tahitian Butternut' (110 days) Cucurbita moschata

20 seeds $3.00

Tahitian Butternut  weighs 12-20 pounds and has a long, curved neck. It stores for about 9 months. Originally brought from Tahiti by a sailor in the 1960's. Vigorous vines with spotted  leaves . Also known as Tahitian Melon Squash.

Tahitian heirloom.

Squash 'Violina Rugosa Butternut'

Squash 'Violina Rugosa Butternut' (100 days) Cucurbita moschata

20 seeds $3.00

Violina Rugosa  is our all-time favorite butternut squash with fine-textured, sweet, orange flesh. Even the pickiest eater in our family loved it. The wrinkled, tan fruits are said to be shaped like a violin (or a peanut). Also known as Butternut Rugosa, Wrinkled Butternut, Violina Di Rugosa, and Violina Gioia. This is a highly prized heirloom from Southern Italy.

Squash 'Potimarron'

Squash 'Potimarron' (90 days) Cucurbita maxima

30 seeds $3.00

Potimarron  is a small winter squash with a chestnut-like flavor. The 3-4 pound fruits have a red skin and yellow-orange flesh. The long vines are highly productive. We had a bumper crop! Good winter keeper.

French heirloom.

Squash 'Sweet Dumpling'

Squash 'Sweet Dumpling' (95 days) Cucurbita pepo

30 seeds $3.00         

Squash 'Sweet Dumpling'  has 4" wide, pumpkin-shaped fruits that are cream mottled with green. Each vine produces up to 10 fruits. The small vines can be trellised. Good for roasting. Decorative. Can be stored for 3-4 months.

Native American heirloom.

Squash 'Pink Banana'

Squash 'Pink Banana' (110 days) Cucurbita maxima

20 seeds $3.00       

Pink Banana squash  is about 2 to 3 feet long and typically weighs 15 to 35 pounds. We like to puree the cooked squash, then mix it with chunky mashed potatoes. It's also fantastic in pureed soups. Great for winter storage.

American heirloom, 1893.

Squash Marina di Chioggia

Squash 'Marina di Chioggia' (100 days) Cucurbita maxima

20 seeds $3.50

Marina di Chioggia  is a turban-shaped winter squash with dusty green skin that is beautifully bumpy. The fruits weigh up to 8 pounds, and they can be used in all sorts of delicious recipes.

Italian heirloom.

Squash 'Table King Acorn'

Squash 'Table King Acorn' (85 days) Cucurbita pepo

20 seeds $3.00        

Table King Acorn squash  is a productive variety with 2-pound, dark green, acorn-shaped fruits that have pale orange flesh. The compact, bushy plants are good for small gardens. Each bush produces 5 to 8 fruits. 

American heirloom. All-America Selections winner in 1974.

Squash 'Vegetable Spaghetti'

Squash 'Vegetable Spaghetti' (100 days) Cucurbita pepo

30 seeds $3.00       

Vegetable Spaghetti squash  is a 12" long winter squash with light yellow flesh that pulls apart like spaghetti strands when cooked. It makes a wonderful substitute for pasta. Stores well for up to 6 months.

Chinese heirloom.

Squash 'Musquee de Maroc'

Squash 'Musquee de Maroc' (90 days) Cucurbita moschata

20 seeds $3.25       

Squash 'Musquee de Maroc'  has thin skin covered with fascinating warts. It's a fun one for decorating. The stringy, deep orange flesh is sweet - perfect for blended soups, pies and puddings. Weighs 4-8 pounds. Stores for 2-3 months.

North African heirloom.

Squash 'Musquee de Provence'

Squash 'Musquee de Provence' (120 days) Cucurbita moschata

20 seeds $3.25       

Musquee de Provence  is a huge, deeply ribbed squash, weighing up to 30 pounds. The dark orange flesh is super healthy, but somewhat watery with a rice-like texture. Best pureed (reduce liquid in recipe). Great storage quality.

French heirloom.

Squash 'Sibley'

Squash 'Sibley' (110 days) Cucurbita maxima

20 seeds $3.00       

Sibley  is a banana-type squash with slate-blue skin. The teardrop-shaped fruits average 8 pounds. The bright yellow-orange flesh has a sweet, rich flavor that is highly praised. Long storage quality. Also known as Pike's Peak.

Native American heirloom. Introduced by Sibley and Co. in 1887.

Summer Squash Seeds

Vegetable Seeds

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