Swiss Chard Seeds
Swiss chard is our main summer green. It produces all summer long until hard frost. It has amazing health benefits, especially when eaten raw.
Sowing Swiss Chard Seeds
Sow Swiss chard seeds outdoors in mid spring, 1/2" deep and 6" apart. Space rows 24" apart. Full sun to light shade.
Swiss Chard 'Perpetual Spinach' (55 days)
100 seeds $3.00
Perpetual spinach is our favorite variety of Swiss chard. The deep green leaves have a spinach-like flavor. They are sweeter and more tender than other varieties. They can be harvested all summer long until frost. Also known as Erbette.
Italian heirloom.
Swiss Chard 'Rainbow' (60 days)
200 seeds $3.00
Rainbow Swiss chard is a mixture of varieties with stems of different colors including red, pink, gold and white. It can be harvested early for baby greens or allowed to mature for larger leaves.