Diane's Flower Seeds

Green Tomato Seeds

Green tomatoes usually develop a slight amber tint when fully ripe. Or you gauge the ripeness by feel - they become softer.

Sowing Tomato Seeds

Start tomato seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Sow 1/8" deep. Transplant outside 2 weeks after the last frost date. Full sun. Spacing 30-36". 

Tomato 'Aunt Ruby's German Green'

Tomato 'Aunt Ruby's German Green'  (80 days)

25 seeds  $3.00      

Aunt Ruby's German Green tomato  is a large, green beefsteak. It can grow up to one pound in size. The flavor is sweet and fruity with a hint of spiciness.

Tomato 'Aunt Ruby's German Green' is a popular heirloom tomato. It was saved by a family from Germany.

Tomato 'Green Grape'

Tomato 'Green Grape' (70 days)

25 seeds  $3.00

Tomato 'Green Grape'  is a large cherry or salad tomato with 1" fruits that ripen to yellowish-green. It's very tasty and productive with a sweet and tangy flavor.

Green Grape is a created heirloom bred by Tom Wagner from a cross of Yellow Pear and Evergreen.

Tomato 'Cherokee Green Pear'

Tomato 'Cherokee Green Pear' (75 days)

25 seeds  $3.00

Cherokee Green Pear  is my favorite green tomato. The medium-size, pear-shaped fruits have beautiful, lime-green interiors. The fruits are ripe when they develop an amber tint, at which stage they easily separate from the vine. The flavor is wonderfully rich and spicy. Early and highly productive. A sport of Cherokee Green discovered by Marianna Jones of Marianna's Heirloom Seeds. 

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