Diane's Flower Seeds

Micro Dwarf Tomato Seeds

Micro dwarf tomatoes are becoming increasingly popular with gardeners who want to grow tomatoes indoors. It's fun and easy!

Sowing Micro Dwarf Tomato Seeds

Start micro dwarf tomato seeds indoors any time of the year. Sow 1/8" deep. Grow in one-gallon pots in a sunny window or under grow lights. 

Tomato 'House'

Tomato 'House' (75 days)

25 seeds  $3.00      

House tomato  has small, cherry-type fruits with just a slight tang. We grow it year-round as a houseplant in a sunny window. It produces in flushes and benefits from being cut back once or twice a year. The flavor is improved with fish-based, organic fertilizer. My daughter uses water from her fish tank. The micro-dwarf plant grows to about 12" tall. Russian heirloom from the 1800's.

Tomato 'Red Robin'

Tomato 'Red Robin' (75 days)

10 seeds  $3.00

Red Robin  is my favorite micro-dwarf tomato for its productivity and flavor. The fruits appear in clusters. They vary in size with the largest fruits being the size of a cherry. The flavor is mild and pleasant. You can get better production by hand-pollinating the flowers. When our plants get tired, we cut them back and repot them in a slightly larger container with fresh soil. 12" tall. Open-pollinated.

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