Diane's Flower Seeds

Watermelon Seeds

Pick watermelon when the tendril close to the fruit turns brown. The shell will become a duller color, and it may have a pale spot where it touches the ground.

Sowing Watermelon Seeds

Sow seeds outdoors after the last frost date, 1/2" deep. Space 2' apart in rows. Or sow in hills spaced 4-6' apart. Thin to 3 plants per hill. Full sun. 

Watermelon 'Crimson Sweet'

Watermelon 'Crimson Sweet' (85 days)

40 seeds $3.00           

Crimson Sweet  is one of the most popular watermelons for home growers. The green-striped fruits weigh 10 to 25 pounds - the perfect size for a small family. The bright red flesh is sweet and juicy. The round fruits have light and dark green stripes. Disease resistant. This famous American heirloom was introduced by Charles V. Hall of Kansas State University in 1963. 

Watermelon 'Charleston Gray'

Watermelon 'Charleston Gray' (88 days)

40 seeds $3.00            

Charleston Gray  is a high quality watermelon that grows to 24" x 10" and weighs about 30 pounds. The bright red flesh is sweet and fine-textured. The light green rind is hard, making it good for shipping and storing. Disease resistant.

American heirloom. See this video for the  history .

Watermelon Royal Golden

Watermelon 'Royal Golden' (83 days)

20 seeds $3.00      

Royal Golden  is a gorgeous watermelon that turns golden-yellow when ripe, making it easy to pick at the peak of perfection. The pinkish-red flesh is wonderfully sweet with a nice texture. Weighs 8-25 pounds. 

American heirloom, 1930's.

Watermelon 'Black Diamond' (90 days)

30 seeds $3.00      

Picture coming soon...

Black Diamond watermelon produces huge fruits with a dark green rind that is hard enough for shipping. The bright red flesh is firm, juicy and flavorful. This famous heirloom is perfect for a family party. Weighs 30 to 50 pounds. 

American heirloom. Developed in the 1940's by Melville Dillon of Florida.

Watermelon 'Janosik'

Watermelon 'Janosik' (80 days)

25 seeds $3.00      

Watermelon 'Janosik'  is a rare variety with a dark green rind and bright yellow flesh. The flavor is sweet and refreshing. The crisp flesh is nicely grainy (not smooth or mealy). The oblong fruits weigh about 10 pounds. 

Open-pollinated. From Poland.

Watermelon 'Blacktail Mountain' (75 days)

20 seeds $3.00      

Picture coming soon...

Blacktail Mountain is a small, round watermelon with a black-green rind. The deep red flesh is sweet and juicy. It's a good variety for short season areas and small families. Bred in Idaho by Glenn Drowns in the 1970's. 


Vegetable Seeds

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