Diane's Flower Seeds
cardinal climber

Cardinal Climber (Ipomoea sloteri)

30 seeds  $3.25

Cardinal Climber is a tall vine with finely cut leaves that look like palm leaves. The 1" wide, trumpet-shaped, bright red flowers bloom all summer long until the first hard frost.

Cardinal Climber is wonderful for covering fences, trellises and arbors. The vivid flowers attract  hummingbirds , and the foliage is always beautiful.

Also known as Ipomoea x multifida, Quamoclit multifida and Quamoclit sloteri. It can be invasive in warm zones where it self-sows prolifically.

height 15'  spacing 12"

Sowing Cardinal Climber Seeds

Nick  cardinal climber seeds and soak overnight. Sow outdoors after the last frost date, 1/4" deep. Or start indoors 4 weeks early. Full sun. 

Also see  White Cypress Vine Moonflower Vine  and  Morning Glory Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

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