Diane's Flower Seeds
White Cypress Vine

White Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit)

120 seeds  $3.25

photo by Lynn Chatila

White Cypress Vine has 1" wide, pure white flowers that bloom from summer to hard frost. The finely cut, fern-like leaves are also attractive.

White Cypress Vine is good for covering fences, trellises and arbors. The deep-throated flowers attract  hummingbirds .

Ipomoea quamoclit takes 12-14 weeks to bloom from seed. It may be best started indoors in short-summer climates. Also known as Ipomoea pennata, Star Glory and Hummingbird Flower. 

height 15'  spacing 12"

Sowing White Cypress Vine Seeds


Also see  Cardinal Climber Moonflower Vine  and  Morning Glory Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

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