Diane's Flower Seeds

Dianthus arenarius (Sand Pink)

120 seeds  $3.50

Dianthus arenarius blooms in mid summer with pure white, fringed flowers on compact mounds of narrow, blue-green leaves. The flowers are lightly  fragrant

Dianthus arenarius is a good plant for the  rock garden  or the front of the border. It's one of my favorite dianthus because it goes with everything. It looks especially nice with deeply colored flowers like  Geum 'Blazing Sunset' , which blooms at the same time.

Also known as Sand Pink.  Drought tolerant . Deer resistant. Hardy perennial in zones 3-8.

height 12"  spacing 12"

Sowing Dianthus arenarius Seeds

Start dianthus seeds indoors 8 weeks before the last frost date. Barely cover the seeds with soil. Full sun. Well-drained soil. 

Dianthus Seeds

Perennial Flower Seeds

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