Perennial Flower Seeds
We have a large selection of perennial flower seeds, including many rare varieties. Invest in the future of your garden by growing long-lived perennials. The seeds come with sowing instructions. For more help, see the articles .
Perennial Seeds
Agastache (6)
Allium (5)
Alyssum (2)
Aster alpinus (4)
Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunray'
Delphinium (8)
Dianthus (18)
Digitalis (Foxglove) (20)
Echinacea (5)
Gaillardia (4)
Geum chiloense (2)
Lilium (Lily) (4)
Linum narbonense 'Heavenly Blue'
Lupine (2)
Lychnis (7)
Oenothera (Evening Primrose) (3)
Papaver (Poppy) (9)
Penstemon (16)
Platycodon (Balloon Flower) (4)
Polemonium boreale 'Heavenly Habit'
Rudbeckia (5)
Salvia (11)
Scutellaria resinosa 'Smoky Hills'
Shasta Daisy (3)
Viola (5)
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