Diane's Flower Seeds
Melon 'Petit Gris de Rennes'

Melon 'Petit Gris de Rennes'

(85 days)

25 seeds  $3.00             

Petit Gris de Rennes is one of the best Charentais-type French melons. It has a beautiful, sea-green rind. The firm and juicy flesh is sweet and flavorful. It begins to crack when fully ripe, so check the melon patch often. 2-4 pounds.

This French heirloom was first discovered in the garden of the Bishop of Rennes around 1636. It has been treasured and preserved by seed savers for many generations.

Sowing Melon 'Petit Gris de Rennes' Seeds

Sow melon seeds outdoors after the last frost date, 1/2" deep. Space 2' apart in rows. Or sow in hills spaced 4-6' apart. Thin to 3 plants per hill. Full sun.

Melon Seeds

Vegetable Seeds

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