Diane's Flower Seeds
Melon 'Prescott Fond Blanc'

Melon 'Prescott Fond Blanc'

(80 days)

20 seeds  $3.00             

Prescott Fond Blanc is an old French melon with fascinatingly beautiful fruits. The gray-green fruits are deeply ribbed, turning to straw color at maturity. The firm, salmon-colored flesh has good substance and sweetness. 4-9 pounds.

French heirloom, 1800's.?

Sowing Melon 'Prescott Fond Blanc' Seeds

Sow melon seeds outdoors after the last frost date, 1/2" deep. Space 2' apart in rows. Or sow in hills spaced 4-6' apart. Thin to 3 plants per hill. Full sun.

Melon Seeds

Vegetable Seeds

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