Diane's Flower Seeds
Poppy 'Afghan Mix Reselected'

Poppy 'Afghan Mix Reselected' (Papaver somniferum)

1200 seeds $3.25 

Poppy 'Afghan Mix Reselected' is a fabulous collection of traditional poppies from Afghanistan. The single flowers have fringed or rounded edges with purple or white centers. See more pictures below.

Papaver somniferum 'Afghan Mix Reselected' will delight you with a wide range of colors including pink, red, purple, white, lavender, burgundy and salmon.

This mix was reselected by J.L. Hudson, Seedsman from whom I got my original seeds. He selected for a wider range of colors and forms. It's now a superior, well-balanced mix.

height 30" 

Sowing Poppy 'Afghan Mix Reslected' Seeds

Sow poppy seeds outdoors in early spring, or fall in mild winter areas. Sow on the surface. Full sun. 

Poppy (Papaver) Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

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