Diane's Flower Seeds
Poppy 'Pink Amphora'

Poppy 'Amphora' (Papaver somniferum)

625 seeds $3.25         

Poppy 'Amphora' has white flowers with pink margins. The particular shade of pink and the width of the margin varies. Some flowers have smooth edges, and others are fringed. Sometimes you'll get a fluffy double or a pure white flower.

Papaver somniferum 'Amphora' is a delightful strain that will surprise you with new blooms every morning. Rattlepod type that doesn't spill the seeds.

height 30" 

Sowing Poppy 'Amphora' Seeds

Sow poppy seeds outdoors in early spring, or fall in mild winter areas. Sow on the surface. Full sun. 

Poppy (Papaver) Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

Papaver somniferum AmphoraPoppy 'Pink Amphora'Poppy 'Amphora'poppy white fringed
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