Lettuce Seeds
Lettuce is one of the easiest crops to grow in the cool weather of spring or fall. Click here to learn about the surprising health benefits of lettuce .
Sowing Lettuce Seeds
Sow lettuce seeds outdoors in early spring. Sow on the surface in very shallow furrows, or cover lightly with soil. Thin to 8" apart. Full sun to part shade.
Lettuce 'Black Seeded Simpson' (Looseleaf, 50 days)
950 seeds $3.00
Black Seeded Simpson is the earliest and fastest growing lettuce in our garden. The light green, ruffled leaves are tender and mild. Their large size makes them especially useful in the kitchen. Aka. Henderson's Black Seeded Simpson.
American heirloom, 1879.
Lettuce 'Buttercrunch' (Butterhead, 65 days)
900 seeds $3.00
Buttercrunch lettuce forms a loose head with crisp, blanched leaves at the center. It is famous for its sweet flavor and buttery texture. Good heat tolerance and slow to bolt. All American Selections winner in 1963.
American heirloom, 1950's.
Lettuce 'Forellenschluss' (Romaine, 55 days)
400 seeds $3.00
Forellenschluss is one of the most beautiful and tastiest heirloom lettuces we have ever tried. The bright green leaves are splashed with maroon. It does pretty well in the summer heat. The name means "speckled like a trout."
Austrian heirloom.
Lettuce 'Freckles' (Romaine, 55 days)
400 seeds $3.00
Freckles lettuce has light green leaves artistically speckled with maroon-red. The flavor is tasty and mild. This variety is known for its heat tolerance and unusual coloring. If you can't decide between red or green lettuce, try Freckles!
Austrian heirloom, 1700's.
Lettuce 'Jericho' (Looseleaf, 57 days)
400 seeds $3.00
Jericho is lovely, bright green lettuce that was developed in Israel. It has superior heat and bolt resistance. It is said to remain sweet and crisp, even in 100 degree weather. Perfect for desert climates.
Israeli heirloom.
Lettuce 'Lolla Rossa Darkness' (Looseleaf, 60 days)
400 seeds $3.00
Lolla Rossa has frilly leaves that are green at the center, shading to dark red at the edges. This variety has more redness than most. Almost too pretty to eat! It's perfect for small salads and garnishes. Mild flavor. Slow to bolt. 6" tall.
Italian heirloom.
Lettuce 'Marvel of Four Seasons' (Butterhead, 50 days)
800 seeds $3.00
Marvel of Four Seasons lettuce has beautiful, multi-color leaves with a delicious flavor. It grows very well in cool weather. It actually self-sowed in our garden and came back for a fall crop! Also known as Merveille des Quatre Saisons.
French heiroom, pre-1885.
Lettuce 'Parris Island Cos' (Romaine, 60 days)
850 seeds $3.00
Parris Island Cos has better texture and more sweetness than grocery store Romaine. The uniform, upright plants have beautiful, blanched hearts. The shape of the leaves are great for scooping dips. Moderate bolt resistance.
American heirloom, 1951.
Lettuce 'Red Deer Tongue' (Looseleaf, 60 days)
400 seeds $3.00
Red Deer Tongue is a productive lettuce with what is described as a nutty flavor. The slightly crinkled, triangular leaves are a combination of red and green, varying from plant to plant. It has good substance, and it's slow to bolt.
American heirloom.
Lettuce 'Rouge d'Hiver' (Romaine, 60 days)
1050 seeds $3.00
Rouge d'Hiver is a cold-tolerant lettuce with bronze-red and green leaves that have a mild flavor. It performs unusually well in the cool conditions of early spring and fall. The name means Red of Winter.
French heirloom, pre-1885.
Lettuce 'Yedikule' (Romaine, 60 days)
600 seeds $3.00
Yedikule is a rare lettuce from Istanbul, Turkey. It has been grown there for 1500 years. It is now endangered because of increasing urbanization. This is one of my favorites for delicious flavor and heat tolerance.
Turkish heirloom, ancient. See this article for the history .
Lettuce 'Bronze Arrow' (Oakleaf, 55 days)
740 seeds $3.00
Bronze Arrow is a fantastic oakleaf lettuce with bronze-red and green leaves. It retains its sweetness in hot weather longer than most lettuces. We obtained the original seeds from John Jeavons, the famous teacher of biointensive farming.
California heirloom.
Lettuce 'Tennis Ball' (Butterhead, 55 days)
400 seeds $3.00
Tennis Ball is the perfect, mild lettuce for people who don't like strong lettuce flavor. The bright green, ruffled leaves are very attractive and perfectly sized for small lettuce wraps. It forms loose heads. Dark-seeded variety.
American heirloom, grown by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello.
Lettuce 'Lava Lamp Romaine' (Romaine, 55 days)
470 seeds $3.00
Lava Lamp Romaine is an exciting new variety bred by Frank Morton of Wild Garden Seeds. We enjoyed growing and photographing this lovely lettuce with its red and green, tie-dye leaves. It's a crunchy lettuce with good flavor.
Lettuce 'Merlot' (Looseleaf, 60 days)
300 seeds $3.00
Merlot is the darkest red lettuce we've ever grown. It's also the last one to bolt in the garden. However, it is very slow growing and not productive enough to be a main crop. So I grow it in my flower gardens as a red foliage plant.
Open-pollinated from Holland. Introduced to the U.S. by Sheperd Ogden.
Lettuce 'Flame' (Looseleaf, 60 days)
300 seeds $3.00
Flame lettuce has striking red and green bicolor leaves. The red color deepens toward the edges. The flavor is mild and pleasant. Slow to bolt. This is one of our prettiest lettuces.
Open-pollinated. Introduced in 1988 by Harris Moran.