Diane's Flower Seeds

Tomatillo Seeds

Tomatillo originally came from Mexico and is enjoyed in many Mexican dishes, either raw or cooked. Culture is similar to that of tomatoes. Physalis ixocarpa.

Sowing Tomatillo Seeds

Start tomatillo seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Sow 1/4" deep. Transplant outside 2 weeks after the last frost date. Full sun. Spacing 30".

Tomatillo 'Dr. Wyche's Yellow'

Tomatillo 'Dr. Wyche's Yellow' (90 days)

50 seeds $3.00           

Dr. Wyche's Yellow tomatillo  is a lovely heirloom with yellow fruits. The abundant, 1.5" fruits are sweet and flavorful - perfect for thickening your salsa. This tomatillo originated with Dr. John Wyche. Also see  Dr. Wyche's Yellow tomato .

American heirloom. 

Tomatillo 'Acorazonado'

Tomatillo 'Acorazonado' (85 days)

60 seeds $3.25           

Acorazonado  tomatillo is a rare heirloom with torpedo to heart-shaped fruits that are yellow, sometimes blushed with purple. The complex flavor is rich and sweet. It makes a great salsa, or you can eat it plain. We enjoy it sliced on salads.

Mexican heirloom.

Tomatillo purple

Tomatillo, Purple (85 days)

50 seeds $3.00   

Purple tomatillo  is a lovely variety with deep purple coloring that extends into the flesh. The 1.5" fruits are sweet and slightly tangy. Plant tomatillos in groups of at least 2 or more plants for good pollination.

Mexican heirloom.

Tomatillo 'Grande Rio Verde' (85 days)

50 seeds  $3.00  

Picture coming soon...

Grande Rio Verde tomatillo produces lots of extra-large, apple-green fruits. The fruits are ripe when the husk turns brown and splits open. This is the perfect tomatillo for making salsa verde and other Mexican dishes.

Mexican heirloom.

Vegetable Seeds

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