Diane's Flower Seeds

Hesperis matronalis Seeds

Heperis matronalis is a perennial that blooms in early summer with long-stemmed flowers in shades of violet or white. Hardy in zones 3-9.

Sowing Hesperis matronalis Seeds

Sow hesperis seeds outdoors after the last frost date. Or start  indoors  6-8 weeks early. Barely cover the seeds with soil. Full sun to part shade. Spacing 12". 

hesperis matronalis alba

Hesperis matronalis Alba (White Sweet Rocket)

250 seeds  $3.25

out of stock

Hesperis matronalis Alba  blooms in early summer with long-stemmed bunches of flowers that are beautiful in the garden or the vase. The sweetly  fragrant  flowers attract butterflies.

Hesperis matronalis Alba looks lovely with  Oriental poppies  and  lupine . Also known as White Dame's Rocket and Hesperis matronalis var. albiflora.

height 4'

hesperis matronalis violet

Hesperis matronalis Violet  (Sweet Rocket)

325 seeds  $3.25

photo by Richard Laflamme

Hesperis matronalis Violet  is a popular  cottage garden  plant that blooms in a lovely shade of light violet. The flowers attract  hummingbirds  and  butterflies

Hesperis matronalis self-sows readily, but I don't consider it invasive. The narrow plants fit easily between other plants in the garden, making it a great filler. Deadhead the flowers, if desired, to avoid self-sown seedlings. 

height 4'  

Perennial Flower Seeds

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