Diane's Flower Seeds
allium christophii

Allium christophii (Star of Persia)

225 seeds $3.50     

Allium christophii blooms in early summer with huge, round balls of star-shaped flowers that are a light shade of lavender-mauve. They look wonderful with  digitalis  and  nigella , which bloom at the same time.

Allium christophii makes a wonderful  cut flower . It's so large that one stem in a tall, narrow vase makes a whole flower arrangement, which lasts for many days.

Allium christophii won the Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Also known as Star of Persia and Allium albopilosum.  Deer resistant . Hardy perennial in zones 4-9. 

height 18"  spacing 12"

Sowing Allium christophii Seeds

Sow allium seeds outdoors in the fall. Barely cover the seeds with soil. Or place in a damp paper napkin inside a ziploc bag, and  refrigerate  for 8 weeks before sowing indoors. Full sun.

Allium Seeds

Perennial Flower Seeds

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