Lychnis Seeds
Lychnis is a perennial flower that blooms in summer. It's a popular cottage garden plant.
Sowing Lychnis Seeds
Start lychnis seeds indoors 8 weeks before the last frost date. Barely cover the seeds with soil. Full sun to part shade. Spacing 15".
Lychnis chalcedonica (Maltese Cross)
750 seeds $3.25
Lychnis chalcedonica blooms in June with large clusters of vivid, scarlet-red flowers. The flowers seem to glow in the garden like a neon restaurant sign that says, "Hummingbirds, eat here!"
Maltese Cross makes a good cut flower . It blooms the first year from seed. Cut back when the flowers fade for repeat blooming. Hardy in zones 4-10.
height 3-4'
Lychnis chalcedonica 'Alba' (White Maltese Cross)
200 seeds $3.50
Lychnis chalcedonica 'Alba' is the white-flowered form of Lychnis chalcedonica. The large clusters of white flowers go with nearly everything in the garden.
White Maltese Cross is a rare perennial. Most people are only familiar with the scarlet-flowered version. Lychnis chalcedonica is an heirloom flower that has been grown in American gardens since the 18th century. Hardy in zones 4-10.
height 3-4'
Lychnis chalcedonica 'Carnea' (Pink Maltese Cross)
350 seeds $3.50
Lychnis chalcedonica 'Carnea' has large clusters of salmon-pink flowers from June to August. It's wonderful for attracting hummingbirds .
Pink Maltese Cross looks lovely with white and blue flowers like Shasta Daisy and Salvia transsylvanica . Also known as Lychnis chalcedonica 'Dusky Salmon', 'Dawn Sky', 'Dusky Pink' and 'Pinkie'. Hardy in zones 4-10.
height 3-4'
Lychnis coronaria 'Alba' (White Rose Campion)
300 seeds $3.50
Lychnis coronaria 'Alba' has fuzzy, silver-green leaves and pure white flowers on tall stems. Even when it's not blooming, the attractive foliage is a valuable asset in the garden. Also known as Dusty Miller and Silene coronaria.
In my garden, it looks lovely with with Nigella hispanica 'Curiosity' and Centaurea cyanus 'Red Boy' . Hardy in zones 3-9. Deer resistant .
height 30"
Lychnis coronaria (Rose Campion)
300 seeds $3.25
Lychnis coronaria is a short-lived, self-sowing perennial with vivid, purplish-red flowers and fuzzy, silver-green leaves. The whole plant is striking. We enjoy it with Nigella hispanica 'Curiosity' and Calendula 'Zeolights' .
Rose campion is an heirloom flower that starts blooming in June and continues for most of the summer. Hardy in zones 3-9.
height 30"
Lychnis coronaria 'Angel's Blush' (Rose Campion 'Oculata')
115 seeds $3.50
Lychnis coronaria 'Angel's Blush' has pure white flowers with deep pink centers. It blooms for a long time in summer.
Rose Campion 'Angel's Blush' makes a wonderful companion plant in the old-fashioned rose garden . It's also nice with tall lilies. The foliage is valuable for brightening up a partly shaded garden. Hardy in zones 3-9.
height 30" spacing 15"
Lychnis viscaria 'Feuer' (German Catchfly)
500 seeds $3.25
Lychnis viscaria 'Feuer' blooms in late spring with brilliant clusters of reddish-pink flowers that light up the garden. The grass-like foliage makes a neat clump.
Lychnis viscaria is wonderful at the front of the border. It prefers afternoon shade in hot climates. The name 'Feuer' means 'Fire' in German. Also known as Lychnis viscaria splendens 'Feuer'. Hardy in zones 3-8.
height 18"