Diane's Flower Seeds
shade tolerant flowers flower seeds for shade

Shade-Tolerant Flower Seeds
by Diane Linsley

What are the best flower seeds for shade?   

There are plenty of sun lovers, but shade-tolerant flowers are rare. Your local nursery will probably recommend hostas and ferns. But what about flowers?

Most shade-tolerant flowers actually prefer part shade. Very few plants can survive in full shade. A few hours of morning sun is ideal. Sunlight filtering through the leaves of deciduous trees is fine. 

Other factors to consider are soil quality and water. Most shade-tolerant flowers enjoy rich, moist soil. Only a few will survive in poor, dry soil. You may have to experiment to see which plants will work in your garden. Here's a list of the best shade-tolerant flowers from seed. 

Shade-Tolerant Annual Seeds

Ageratum  - Fuzzy, purple-blue flowers. Great for cutting and butterflies.

Balsam 'Camellia Flowered Mix'  - Wonderful, self-sowing annual for shade.

Centaurea cyanus  - Pink, white, blue and lavender flowers for shade. Easy to grow from seed.

Cynoglossum amabile  - Chinese Forget-Me-Not. Indigo-blue flowers.

Monarda citriodora  - Lavender-pink flowers for hummingbirds and butterflies.

Nemophila  - Self-sowing, annual wildflower that tolerates shade. Makes a great bulb cover. Easy to grow from seed.

Nicotiana  - Trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of pink, purple, lavender, crimson and white. Some varieties are fragrant. Lovely in the shade.

Pansy 'Swiss Giants'  - Excellent annual flower for shade. Nice range of colors. 

Phlox drummondii  - Pink, red, rose, magenta, white and bicolor flowers. Easy to grow from seed.

Viola  - One of my favorite flowers for shade. It starts blooming very early in spring and continues long into summer. Annual or short-lived perennial.

Shade-Tolerant Perennial Seeds

Allium cernuum  - Nodding clusters of purplish-pink flowers for part shade.

Aquilegia (Columbine)  - Spring-blooming perennial in a wide range of colors. 

Campanula (Bellflower)  - Blue, pink or white bell-shaped flowers. Perennials and biennials for part shade to full sun.

Centranthus ruber  - Long-blooming perennial with reddish-pink or white flowers that attract hummingbirds and butterflies. 

Cheiranthus allionii  - Bright orange flowers in late spring. Nice with tulips. Easy to grow from seed.

Digitalis (Foxglove)  - Shade-tolerant flowers in a range of colors and heights.

Dracocephalum ruyschiana  - Rare, shade-tolerant perennial with blue flowers.

Echinacea (Purple Coneflower)  - Mauve or white flowers with drooping petals.

Euphorbia polychroma  - Chartreuse flowers in early spring. Nice with early-blooming bulbs. Very shade tolerant.

Hesperis matronalis  - Violet or white flowers on tall stems in early summer.

Lilium  - Lilies are the showiest shade-tolerant flowers that I know of. Did you know that you can grow your own species and trumpet lilies from seed?

Lunaria annua  - Fragrant, purple flowers followed by ornamental seed pods.

Lupine  - Dense spikes of flowers in a wide range of colors.

Lychnis chalcedonica  - Scarlet-red, salmon-pink or white flowers on tall stems. Great for attracting hummingbirds.

Lychnis coronaria  - Purplish-red, pink or white flowers with silver-green leaves that brighten up the shade garden.

Lychnis viscaria 'Feuer'  - Brilliant, reddish-pink flowers that glow in the shade.

Myosotis sylvatica  - Spring-blooming groundcover with blue flowers for shade.

Penstemon calycosus  - Light purple flowers that tolerate part shade, which is unusual for a penstemon.

Platycodon grandiflorus  - Blue, pink or white balloon flowers in late summer. Long-lived perennial.

Polemonium (Jacob's Ladder)  - Lavender-blue flowers in late spring to early summer. Very hardy and shade tolerant.

Rudbeckia  (Black-Eyed Susan) - Native perennial. Daisy-like flowers with dark centers. Blooms in shades of yellow, gold, orange and mahogany-red.

Ruta graveolens  - Blue-green foliage and greenish-yellow flowers for shade.

Sidalcea malviflora  - Small, pink, hollyhock-like flowers on tall stems.

Tanacetum parthenium  - Small, white, daisy-like flowers. Shade-tolerant filler.

Thalictrum aquilegifolium  - Fluffy pink, purple or white flowers on tall stems.

Verbena bonariensis  - Clusters of rosy-purple flowers that bloom the first year from seed. 

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Container Flower Seeds  - The best annuals and perennials for containers.

Fragrant Flowers  - The most fragrant annual and perennial flowers from seed.

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The Complete Flower Gardener by Karan Davis Cutler

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