Diane's Flower Seeds
fragrant flowers fragrant flower seeds

Fragrant Flowers from Seed
by Diane Linsley

What are the most fragrant flowers from seed? 

One of the great pleasures in life is enjoying the sweet fragrance of a flower in your own garden. There's no perfume in the world to compare with the warm, sun-kissed fragrance created by nature. 

Plant fragrant flowers close to paths so you can enjoy them as you walk by. Some plants have fragrant leaves, which are fun to rub. I have a potted herb garden by my front door. I enjoy rubbing the leaves of the herbs while I'm watering them. The herbs come indoors for the winter, where I continue to enjoy them long after the rest of the garden has gone dormant.

"It is a golden maxim to cultivate the garden for the nose, and the eyes will take care of themselves." ~Robert Louis Stevenson

Fragrant Flower Seeds

Alyssum  - Masses of tiny white, pink or purple flowers with a light, sweet fragrance. Easy-to-grow annual. 

Dianthus  - Most dianthus species have a sweet and spicy fragrance. 

Fragrant Persian Stonecress  - Pink flowers with a cotton candy fragrance. Drought-tolerant perennial.

Gilia tricolor  - Annual wildflower with delicate, lilac and white, trumpet-shaped flowers that smell like chocolate. Easy to grow from seed.

Hesperis matronalis  - Sweetly fragrant, violet or white flowers. Self-sowing perennial. Easy to grow from seed.

Lunaria annua  - Fragrant, purple flowers followed by showy seed pods. Shade-tolerant biennial.

Mirabilis jalapa  (Four O'Clock) - Sweetly fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers in a wide range of colors.

Moonflower Vine  (Ipomoea alba) - Huge, 6" wide, pure white flowers with a sweet fragrance. Night-blooming, annual vine. Tender perennial in zones 8-11.

Nicotiana  (Flowering Tobacco) - Fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers. Annual.

Night Scented Stock  - Heirloom annual with a light, sweet fragrance. 

Oenothera (Evening Primrose)  - Yellow to orange-red flowers that bloom in the evening, releasing their sweet fragrance.

Penstemon palmeri  - Large, light pink flowers that smell like grapes. Drought-tolerant, native perennial.

Petunia  - Fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers on trailing plants. Blooms in shades of pink, red, purple and white. Easy to grow from seed.

Phlox drummondii  - Native annual with lightly fragrant flowers in shades of pink, red, rose, magenta and white.

Siberian Wallflower  - Lightly fragrant, bright orange flowers in late spring.

Sweet Pea  - The powerful fragrance can be smelled from several feet away.

Virginia Stock  - Sweetly fragrant, small flowers in pink, purple and white. Quick to bloom from seed.

Yellow Columbine  - Delicate, honeysuckle fragrance. A rare aquilegia species.

Flowers and Herbs with Fragrant Foliage

Agastache  - Perennials in a range of colors and forms. The leaves have a minty or licorice fragrance. Each species or variety smells different. 

Basil  - Highly fragrant herb for cooking and ornamental gardens. Each variety has a different flavor.

Chamomile  - Sweetly fragrant foliage. Small, white daisy flowers for tea.

English Thyme  - Fragrant herb for cooking or potpourri. Pinkish-white flowers. Drought-tolerant perennial.

Greek Oregano  - The pizza herb. Yummy fragrance. Spreading perennial.

Lavender  - Fragrant flowers and foliage. Good for potpourri.

Lemon Balm  - Strong, lemon fragrance. Nice for teas. Has a sedative effect. Easy to grow from seed.

Lemon Beebalm  - The crushed leaves have a mild, citrus fragrance. The lavender-pink flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

Sage  (Salvia officinalis) - Spicy herb for poultry seasoning. Lavender flowers.

Related Articles

Flowers for Cutting  - The best annual and perennial cut flowers from seed. 

Container Flower Seeds  - The best annuals and perennials for containers.

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Tasha Tudor's Garden by Tova Martin & Richard W. Brown

The Bold and Brilliant Garden  by Sarah Raven 


Annual Flower Seeds

Perennial Flower Seeds

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